Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Let's Help If We Can ... OFF TOPIC


This is off topic but I feel a worthwhile cause.  There are many unemployed people in Maryland who are having a difficult time, some of whom could be our co-workers, family members, etc.  As the holidays approach, despite the state of things with our jobs and the budget, let's try to be a little giving towards those who are worse off.  There are many canned good and dry foods collections going to be coming out ... give a canned good and help those that are struggling if you can.

1 comment:

Diane Z said...

My household has seen a significant loss of income over the past year with the furloughs/reductions and my mom passing away. I reduced my MCC contribution from $10 per pay to $1 per pay. I stopped answering my phone if I don't recognize the number because of telemarketers soliciting donations. They have gotten crafty by asking for me by name and giving a name & return number when my husband takes a message. If one does get through, I tell them I don't have any disposable income, that I struggle to pay my bills, and that they can thank Gov. O'Malley for getting no contribution from me.