Monday, November 16, 2009

The Latest Rumor

Today I heard a rumor that for FY 2011 they are discussing putting us back on a 35.5 hour workweek.  JUST A RUMOR.  I did the math.  That is almost a 12% decrease in pay.

I'm telling y'all if you can retire, I'd do it now rather than later.  If they do a permanent across the board pay cut, your pensions are going to be affected.  Up until this point, none of this has affected your pension.


faith said...

Wonder if the gov has to go to the General Assembly to do that. I can't remember when Willie Don increased us to 40 if it was done thru the Assembly session or not. Does anyone out there remember?

Diane Z said...

I remember. I think it was an executive decree. I was so mad at the time, because at the time I had school age children and was very involved with their Scouting activities and didn't appreciate my family time being cut into.

faith said...

I also remember working with a lot of young mothers who were dependent on daycare and had to suck up the increase in the hours their kids were watched with no additional compensation for the extra hours worked. I wonder how our illustrious unions would have reacted to that one had they had collective bargaining at the time...hah!