Thursday, December 17, 2009

Here's Hoping

Here's hoping that ALL of the unions that represent Maryland state workers will take this as a sign that perhaps, just perhaps, it is time for change. It's time to re-evaluate, who they feel is going to do the best for their members when they begin to endorse legislators in the coming elections. I do not understand how any of them can endorse in good faith, legislators who are working against them and not with them.

BLOG: Union “shocked and disappointed” over pay hike for governor

Batten down the hatches ... rough ride ahead,0,6297428.story?track=rss

O'Malley and lawmakers say many options are on the table next year, when a further $2 billion budget shortfall looms. They are expected to consider aid cuts to local governments as well as layoffs and furloughs of state employees. They also are expected to debate tuition increases at public universities.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Governor Other Officials Pay Raise?

You guys have that slap mark on your faces too?  What a slap it is.

2010 MD Legislative Issues Paper

Page 14:  The U.S. economy has been in recession since December 2007. This recession has

resulted in substantial reductions in Maryland’s projected general fund revenues. The

September 2009 revenue estimate projects $12.3 billion in general fund revenues, which

is $2.4 billion less than projected in September 2008. In response, $429 million was

withdrawn from agency fiscal 2010 general fund appropriations by the Board of Public

Works in July and August of 2009. Additional reductions are expected in

November 2009. The reductions were necessary in spite of federal stimulus funds, which

total $1.1 billion in fiscal 2010. A $2.0 billion cash deficit is projected in fiscal 2011, even

with $898 million in federal stimulus funds. The fiscal 2012 cash deficit increases to

$2.5 billion as federal stimulus funds end. This deficit is so large that revenue growth

alone will not address the general fund shortfall, thus a multi-year approach combining

spending and revenue actions and the use of reserves will be needed.

City of Hagerstown - Furloughs/Pay Cuts

Some of the items proposed by the budget plan are subject to contract negotiations with the relevant unions. The elimination of step increases and a cost of living adjustment, as well as the proposed work stop days and furlough days, are all subject to contract negotiations.

Pension Pulse

Very interesting articles about pensions around the US.  A friend of "ours" suggested these sites and I'm posting them for you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Montgomery County Council Being Sued by Employees' Union

The union that represents Montgomery County employees has filed a civil suit against the County Council to compel action on a controversial early buyout program.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


All of the recommended cuts to the pending 2010 state budget paled in comparison to Del. Richard B. Weldon Jr.’s suggestion that the state halt the Thornton funding plan for public schools in Maryland for a year. Weldon, unaffiliated-Frederick/Washington, said it would be the single most effective cut to spending, saving the state more than a billion dollars.

A little humor

Christmas Time in Washington

The Supreme Court ruled there cannot be a Nativity scene in Washington, D.C. this Christmas. This isn't for any religious or constitutional reason, they simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin in the nation's capitol. There was no problem however finding enough asses to fill the stable.