Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Media Monitoring

maryland media monitoring and rapid response program

Scroll down it's about the 10th article

There will be a:
Letter to the Editor team
Electronic media and blog response team
Online publication comment and posting team
T.V. talk show monitoring and response team.

Rapid response volunteers will constantly monitor their assigned form of media. Upon the discovery of an article, blog, online publication comment(s) or radio segment that the (team member) believes requires a response, they will immediately send an email to their County leader who will in turn relay the information to the communications staff.

So what apppears to be spontaneous grass-roots action to casual news consumers will in fact be directed from party headquarters in Annapolis.

St. Mary's County Board of Education Employees

SB483 - Inclusion of employees in bargaining unit including specified employees of the Board of Education that do not hold a teaching certificate, in a bargaining unit for teachers, administrators, supervisors, who do hold a teaching degree.  (Effective 10/01/10).

My take:  Here comes service fees or forced unionization for anyone who isn't a teacher ... substitutes, counselors, etc. 

St. Mary's County teachers are represented by the Maryland State Teacher's Association (MSTA).

MSTA is a subsidy of the NEA (National Education Association).

The NEA is partners with AFT (American Federation of Teachers).

Monday, February 1, 2010

Of Interest to Retirees and Employees of Upper Shore Community Mental Health Center

Emergency SB 317

State Retirement and Pension System - Retirees and Beneficiaries of Retirees - Annual Retirement Adjustments
Providing the annual retirement allowance on 7/1/10 for retirees and beneficiaries .... be 0.
(i.e. no raises)

HB338 Upper Shore Community Mental Health Center - Early Retirement
Providing specified employees of USMHC with the opportunity to redeive an early retirmeent allowance ...

"Courage is being scared to death -- and saddling up anyway!" (John Wayne)

Curry Suggests April Decision on Challenging O'Malley

Stay tuned folks!

Miller is Talking of Retiring Again...

Seems to me we have heard this song and dance before.

Miller hints at retirement after next term- Senate president from Chesapeake Beach has been in office since 1971

Sunday, January 31, 2010


WE need to find out WHY the SEIU is donating thousands upon thousands of dollars to Maryland legislators.  They do not do that for no reason, there is something in it for them.  Either immigration reform or US.  Any suggestions on how we can find out more information?  It is worth the effort.  WE cannot afford NOT to find out because if it is US they want we are doomed.


It is extremely important that if you are reading this blog as a state employee that you give me some way of contacting you.  There are things that go on in the background that do not get posted on this blog for privacy reasons.  If you have to make up a new email, fictitious, do so, but, please shoot me an email at so that I can begin to compile an email listing for times when I feel relaying a message needs to be done privately.  Your email address that you provide will go to no one else and will not appear in anyone else's email ... I will hide the "to".  Your privacy is as important as mine.
