Saturday, January 23, 2010

Campaign Donations

I have deleted an earlier post and am replacing it with this.  I have been researching the campaign database.  I will give you the info and you can do with it what you want.

On August 26, 2009, the BPW cut several hundred jobs and furloughed state workers again, and on October 12, 2009, AFSCME started making campaign donations to those who are in control of the budgets and furloughs.  It's now January and we are once again on the chopping block down in Annapolis for the 2011 budget.
In researching the database a disturbing trend popped off the screen at me ... the SEIU is dumping thousands upon thousands of dollars into MD political campaigns for the 2010 election cycle.  I mean, literally, much much more money than any other union has been contributing.  There were 17 pages of contributions and I didn't even bother adding them all up to determine a total.  I'll detail a few for you here.

First, this I find comical ... as late as June, 2009, they were sinking money in Sheila Dixon's coffers ... ironic that she is no longer Mayor of Baltimore.

They donated $100,000  to an organization by the name of For Maryland for Our Future.  Yet, search after search gives me absolutely no information on that organization.  I can find nothing.  I'd like to know just who they are and why SEIU is giving so much money to them.

They are sending in thousands upon thousands of dollars to various democratic legislators.  I mean, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

They have donated more than $75,000 to the Democratic State Central Committee for Maryland.  I'm trying to find out what that Committee's does with the money ... is it just a middle man of more campaign contributions going out ???

I could use some help trying to determine what the unions are doing as far as supporting candidates in the upcoming election. 

I have one question for any union lurkers. 

How can you in good conscience support legislators who have treated state workers so badly and claim to represent those workers at the same time?  I would love an answer to that question.

February 4th Rally

10:30-12:30 in Annapolis

For State employees and County employees

Pass the word.

This is What Massachusetts Did!

This next bill I'm going to tell you about is exactly what occurred in Massachusetts and it was the main reason that Brown was even able to be elected.  It is a good bill and puts the decision back to an election where WE vote on who we want to fill the seat.

SB157 - Special Election to Fill Vacancy in the Office of United States Senator

Altering the process for filling a vacancy in the office of US Senator; repealing the authority of the Governor to make an appointment to fill a vacancy; . . . calling for a special election.

HB 31 Making an Appropriation Subject to Petition Referendum

Proposing an amendment to the MD Constitution to provide a law making certain appropriations subject to rejection or repeal by the voters; . . . submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the State of MD for their adoption or rejection.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Political Contributions

I know that this is probably the last thing you want to hear considering what we have all been through and considering our paychecks are suffering and will continue to suffer.  It is just a suggestion.

I donated 25 bucks to George Owings yesterday.  It is all I could afford and I wanted to show my support.  I am going to send 10 bucks to the "better" Miller also.  I'm not in his district, but, I feel that by sending a few bucks his way it would be a little help in his battle to win Mike Miller's seat.  (He doesn't have unions or other organizations giving him thousands of dollars like Mike Miller does and neither does George Owings.)

Every little bit helps us in our battle to try to get reasonable representatives who have integrity and are honest in Annapolis to support state workers and fix the mess this State is in for taxpayers.

So, if you have a buck or 4 quarters lying on the counter ... send it someone's way that could use it to help us in our battle.



Thursday, January 21, 2010

Very Interesting - HB 163 Taxpayer's Bill of Rights

Some interesting points:

Requiring voter approval for new State or local taxes, tax rate increases and repeal of tax exemptions; imposes spending limits on the State ... much much more ... worth the read.

Chris Shank's name is on this along with many others.  For those who do not know it, Chris Shank is a good friend to state workers. 

EMERGENCY BILL - HB 156 - DHMH Upper Shore Center

I was very happy to see this Bill appear.  The in-fighting regarding closing Upper Shore Community Mental Health Center appears to be ongoing.

This Bill will ensure that that facility and others that are listed in the legislation would remain open.

Good luck to the 90 employees who face losing their jobs if this facility closes.

Senate Joint Resolution 2 - Governor & Lt. Governor's Salaries

This Bill, if passed, will increase the salaries as follows effective January, 2011.

1st year 150,000
2nd year 150,000
3rd year 155,000
4th year 160,000

Lt. Governor:
1st year 125,000
2nd year 125,000
3rd year 129,167
4th year 133,333


SB 19 - Constitutional Officers Salaries - you won't like this

As you can tell from HB 151, Constitutional officers were not included in the NO RAISE deal.  This bill is recommending an increase to their salaries beginning January, 2011.

This Bill applies to the Treasurer, Attorney General, Secretary of State and Comptroller (Franchot ... he is the only one who votes NO on procurements ... he is a good man ... that being said NO ONE should get raises right now.)

Current Salaries:  112,500

2011 increase to 125,000
2012 same as 2011
2013 increase to 129,167
2014 increase to 133,333

HB 151 Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2010

NOTE:  All of the bills I'm posting can be found at the General Assembly website.  There is a link to the right that should take you there.  If it does not work, let me know.

Page 38
SECTION 31.  . . . State employees employed by any entity, including the University of MD System, Morgan State University and St. Mary's College of MD, may not receive bonuses, merit increases, or cost of living raises in FY 2011.  THIS PROVISION DOES NOT AFFECT SALARIES FOR CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS OR MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OR INCREASES NECESSARY FOR THE RETENTION OF FACULTY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND SYSTEM, MORGAN STATE OR ST. MARY'S.

               It appears they are leaving the door open so that they can given raises to themselves, the Governor and the Lt Governor.  In case you are unaware, there are 5,000 employees that make more than 100,000.  3,900 of them work for the University Systems.  It also appears, the University System is exempt from the no pay raise rule.

SECTION 32.  In FY 2011, the State is not required to make the employer contributions to the applicable State supplemental plan for participating employees in the Optional Defined Contribution System.

                No biggie ... we already knew this ... no match to the 401K.

Page 39
Section 4(A)(1)  For FY 2011 or during any fiscal year in which appropriations are reduced ... because of a projected deficit, by Executive Order, the Governor may institute a furlough or temporary salary reduction plan for Executive Branch employees of the State of Maryland.

. . .  shall specify how the furlough or temporary reduction plan applies to various employees of the State of MD . . .

Section 34.  . . . calculation of the rate of overtime payments for current State employees subject to a temporary salary reduction ordered by the Governor in the FY 2010 or 2011, shall be based on the salary schedule in effect on July 1, 2009.  This ... retroactively to September 23, 2009.

             My take on the above is that if you work overtime your overtime pay rate is what your pay was on 9/23rd and not what the current reduced pay scale says.  I wonder if that also applies to those that do not get OT pay but instead get comp time?

                                        Chapter 487 of the Acts of 2009

Page 40
Section 19.  . . . an employee entitled to compensation for unused leave upon termination of State employment during a mandatory temporary salary reduction plan shall receive such compenation at the employee's rate of compensation in effect immediately prior to the temporary salary reduction.  This section applies retroactively and shall be applied to and interpreted to affect the calculation of unused annual leave payouts for employees leaving state employment on or after February 11, 2009.

              My take is that you will be paid based on the pay scale, not the reduced pay scale.  I AM WONDERING ... THINK WE CAN FIND A LEGISLATOR TO ADD SOMETHING ABOUT THOSE THAT LOSE THEIR JOBS DUE TO ABOLISHMENTS AND LAYOFFS GETTING SOME KIND OF COMPENSATION FOR THEIR UNUSED SICK TIME?  Your thoughts on that please?

Ok, here's the deal on this blog

I understand that this blog address is finding it's way all over the place these days.  Since that is occurring there might be people showing up here that are of differing views than ours.  I have set this blog up so that  state workers can retain anonymity if they wish to do so because some would not post if they had to place a name with their message.  So far, everyone has been pleasant and I've not had any problems to deal with. 

There are several people that I've given full rights to because I do not post on the internet during the daytime when I'm working and our schedules are different.  They, as well as I, have the authority to ban, to post, to delete posts ... whatever my permissions are, I have also given to them.  I cannot do this alone and need their help and yours in keeping this a place where we can vent, relay information and try to resolve issues with ideas. 

I really do not want to start all over, from scratch, again.  It has taken alot of my time to provide this for you, my co-workers.  If I find that it gets out of hand, I'm going to be forced to change the settings so that anyone who wants to post or view this blog will need to join.  I would rather not do that but it would be nice if people actually had the guts to join so we know how many of us there actually are but I'm not going to force you to.

All of that being said, I have a hell of alot of information to give to you tonight.  It's going to take me a while to do it. 

I'm going to post information on bills at the GA that affect you tonight.  I'm also going to, if I have time, change the way this looks and, I'm going to provide you with all links to every person that is running for governor so that you can do your own research on them and make your own decision.  George is who I am supporting mostly because he has friends on both sides of the aisle and I feel that would benefit Maryland ... not as much in fighting.

Thanks for your understanding, patience and cooperation.


Health care uncertainty puts Md. stimulus in limbo

Jan 20, 2010 6:41 PM (14 hrs ago) By BRIAN WITTE, AP

Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, built into the budget an assumed $389 million in additional federal stimulus money through Medicaid that is in the U.S. House of Representatives health care reform legislation.
But now President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats may try to scale back the president's health care overhaul. The reason is Democrats lost the party's 60th Senate seat needed to cut off debate to push through legislation after Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley on Tuesday in the seat once held by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy.

HB 187 - Establishing the Juvenile Services Administration in the Department of Human Resources

Transferring the duties, powers, and responsibilities of the Department of Juvenile Services to the Juvenile Services Administration

It's beginning. The consolidation of units/departments we heard about last week

SB 225 - Libraries - Collective Bargaining

This one should end up in the garbage!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brown Wins MA - What's that mean for MD?

I could not be more elated.  After spending all day on pins and needles waiting for the axe to fall  for MD workers, and coming home and hearing that a Democratic Senate Seat (for 42 years) was lost to Brown, a Republican, I feel like partying. 

I'm thinking this is a trend on how the 2010 elections will be going to go.  People are sick and tired of incumbents and they are sick and tired of big business getting money while they are standing in u/e lines and suffering financially.

Well folks, tonight, the people of MA spoke for all of us.  Both Democratic and Republican voters in MA came out and sent a message ... we are not going to take it anymore.

Here's hoping this trend continues.

Keep the faith!  Don't forget about the 2/4th rally in Annapolis, spread the word.  10:30 - 12:30 at the Lawyer's Mall.  I figure what better way to use a furlough day.  That's my plan.  Let me know if you're going ...

The budget still maintains funding for K-12 education, said House Speaker Michael Busch, who also met with O'Malley on Tuesday afternoon to talk about the budget plan.

The governor, a Democrat, also included 10 furlough days for about 67,000 of the state's 80,000 employees, marking the third year in a row that state employees will have to take unpaid days off. State employees also will not get salary increases.

"It's a very conservative budget, but it is one that is still socially responsible," Busch, D-Anne Arundel, said.

O'Malley's budget includes $20 million for a trust fund to help address pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, but that could be reduced by the Legislature. Last year, O'Malley included $25 million for the bay fund, but lawmakers reduced it to $10 million.

Kim Coble, executive director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, cheered the governor's decision to include $20 million for the fund.

"Last May, the governor set specific milestones for reducing pollution over the next two years, and this funding is an integral part of that plan," Coble said in a statement.

The governor also included $20 million to fund a $3,000 tax credit for businesses that hire an unemployed resident.

O'Malley's Budget to Focus on Job Creation and Budget Cuts

Budget to be unveiled at 2:30 today

WJZ reported on the news this morning that MOM will unveil his 2011 budget at 2:30 today.

Good luck all.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Significant Job Cuts Reported - But Number Elusive

The number of jobs to be eliminated is still being finalized, according to administration aides, who remained tight-lipped about a published report that the cuts would be "significant."
"They are not wholesale layoffs, but there are some position abolishments," he said. "Some agencies are impacted more than others."


Job Abolishments are layoffs. They are not kidding anyone but theirselves. It's fancy a word. Just like rowhouse is now a townhouse. I bet no one on the Governor's staff that is in a filled position is on the list.
DHMH will be hit hard, it always is. DNR ... they have been kicked twice now. MHIP ... look out.
The next two days will be hard for government workers but if Brown wins in Massachusetts then there will be a ray of hope for how the 2010 elections are going to roll.