Saturday, January 23, 2010

Campaign Donations

I have deleted an earlier post and am replacing it with this.  I have been researching the campaign database.  I will give you the info and you can do with it what you want.

On August 26, 2009, the BPW cut several hundred jobs and furloughed state workers again, and on October 12, 2009, AFSCME started making campaign donations to those who are in control of the budgets and furloughs.  It's now January and we are once again on the chopping block down in Annapolis for the 2011 budget.
In researching the database a disturbing trend popped off the screen at me ... the SEIU is dumping thousands upon thousands of dollars into MD political campaigns for the 2010 election cycle.  I mean, literally, much much more money than any other union has been contributing.  There were 17 pages of contributions and I didn't even bother adding them all up to determine a total.  I'll detail a few for you here.

First, this I find comical ... as late as June, 2009, they were sinking money in Sheila Dixon's coffers ... ironic that she is no longer Mayor of Baltimore.

They donated $100,000  to an organization by the name of For Maryland for Our Future.  Yet, search after search gives me absolutely no information on that organization.  I can find nothing.  I'd like to know just who they are and why SEIU is giving so much money to them.

They are sending in thousands upon thousands of dollars to various democratic legislators.  I mean, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

They have donated more than $75,000 to the Democratic State Central Committee for Maryland.  I'm trying to find out what that Committee's does with the money ... is it just a middle man of more campaign contributions going out ???

I could use some help trying to determine what the unions are doing as far as supporting candidates in the upcoming election. 

I have one question for any union lurkers. 

How can you in good conscience support legislators who have treated state workers so badly and claim to represent those workers at the same time?  I would love an answer to that question.

1 comment:

B4its2late said...

Apparently, For Maryland for our Future is the Maryland Chamber of Commerce a jeeves search brought that up. For Maryland for our Future was for the slot referendum. 2007-2010 is considered the election cycle ... the donation was made in 2008, $100,000.

How many of you remember reading that if the slots weren't passed we would have to have layoffs? They passed and what happened?