Friday, March 12, 2010

Attention State Workers - WRITE TO YOUR LEGISLATOR

please pass this along to any state worker you have an email address for:

State Workers ... please email your legislators immediately regarding the repeal of the Fair Share Bill, HB 1346. It is important that we, as the state work force, let it be known, that WE DO NOT WANT TO BELONG AND/OR PAY FAIR SHARE FEES TO ANY UNION.

You can find your legislator's contact information at:

Here is a draft letter you can feel free to use if you would like:

RE: HB 1346 – State Employees – Collective Bargaining “The Fair Share Act” Repeal

Dear Delegate/Senator _____________:

I am writing as both your constituent and as a State of Maryland employee regarding the above-captioned Bill.

I strongly feel that membership in a union and participation in union activities should be on a voluntary basis ONLY. The State should not mandate to its employees that paying fair share fees to a union is mandatory in order to keep your job.

State workers should not be penalized, especially during a recession, by being FORCED to pay agency fees to a union that can do absolutely nothing for them in times of financial hardship. The past year, since Fair Share was written into law, has proven that unions are essentially useless to government employees. State workers have had reduced pay checks for well over one year and will again, have reduced pay checks in FY 2011. To place another financial burden on us at this time is degrading considering the reason why this Fair Share Bill was passed to begin with.

Please vote in favor of this Bill.
