Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Make sure you check your pay stub

When I printed my paycheck yesterday, imagine my surprise when I noticed I was only paid for 72 hours.  I knew I had not taken a furlough day so I called downtown.  It turns out they charged me a furlough day for Thanksgiving day because of a typo ... 60 is holiday which was on my time sheet but it was keyed in as 66 a furlough day. 

Lucky me, my check is short over a hundred bucks right before Christmas.

I was told that they do not notice this unless someone calls ... so make sure you verify that they are charging you the proper time for furlough days ... they screwed up my bosses check by not charging furlough time off and then having to take it all at the end of the FY last year. 

I realize mistakes happen.  I'm not a happy camper that it happened right before the holidays.  I will get the money in the 12/23 check.

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