Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Budget Article

Budget expected to dominate politics
Officials: Some leaders may be wary of decisions that could impact campaigns


Anonymous said...

Their decisions are going to be based on votes this year. I haven't decided if that's good or bad yet. But, they are going to do the dirty deed to the populace that will have the least affect on their votes.

faith said...

My fear is that they keep putting out band aids thus leaving it to the incoming 2010-2011 general assembly to make the necessary draconian cuts in 2011. But whatever they do, furloughs do not seem to be any short term solution and putting off the inevitable permanent cuts will only exacerbate the budget mess.

B4its2late said...

They can't just do furloughs and he is leaving it up to the GA to fix it. He is to present his budget by January 20th, that's the law. Hopefully, it will go public then. If so, we will have an idea of what we are dealing with. Everything has been quiet at my office lately. I'm wondering where the cuts are coming from because it is only 2 weeks until the budget has to go to them. You would think that he would have been stirring the pot looking for cuts despite it being the holidays.