Saturday, February 13, 2010

Several New Bills Re: Collective Bargaining

Just a heads-up that there are new proposed bills relating to collective bargaining for different sectors of Maryland Government such as Baltimore County and St. Mary's Co employees. Some are crossfiled with existing companion bills that have already been proposed earlier in the opposite chamber.
Libraries: HB 881 and SB 225

Public School employees: HB 1016 and SB 801

St. Mary's Co ed employees who do not hold teaching certificates: HB981 and SB483

New HB948 for Baltimore County education employees includes limiting union representation to a max of 2 bargaining units

And finally SB 741 exempts Charter Schools from collective bargaining by requiring union representation.

It appears that many collective bargaining bills are being proposed at this late date so I recommend any government employee currently not required to pay union fees pay close attention because organized labor is looking to pad their coffers with the diminished number of private company representation.


B4its2late said...

Klausmeier is on a roll in Baltimore County. She is sponsoring numerous collective bargaining/fair share bills.

A check of the campaign finance database by "Nancy Drew" reveals that Klausmeier is the recipient of campaign contributions from SEIU.

Is she working for County constituents and workers or, is she working for the union? That, is the question.

B4its2late said...

Klausmeier is on a roll in Baltimore County. She is sponsoring numerous collective bargaining/fair share bills.

A check of the campaign finance database by "Nancy Drew" reveals that Klausmeier is the recipient of campaign contributions from SEIU.

Is she working for County constituents and workers or, is she working for the union? That, is the question.