Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Too Rich for Furloughs


Andy Harris is anti-spending except when the state’s money is headed into his pocket. Like Pipkin and McConkey, he has not given back furlough days to the state last year or this year.

Some legislators who have not given back furlough days say they will donate their pay to charity instead. Delegate H. Wayne Norman (R-35A) made that argument while comparing his state government to the bankrupt General Motors. There are two problems with that position. First, payment to a charity is inherently unverifiable unless the legislator produces a copy of a canceled check. Second, conservatives like Pipkin, McConkey, Harris and Norman rant endlessly about the need to reduce government spending. Paying a charity rather than returning furlough money redirects spending rather than reducing it. It’s a hollow argument with little credibility given that the legislators’ wallets are involved.

So why make excuses? Act like a conservative, give back the money and cut the budget. Otherwise, these fellows are conservatives only with regard to other people’s needs and are free-spending liberals when it comes to their own.


B4its2late said...

It really is disgusting that some legislators do not care to share the pain with State workers. They are the legislators who really do not care about what happens to us and only care about their own welfare and how many votes they will get in the next election.

I hope some of them get shown the door in 2010. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure State workers are aware of who refused to share the pain and who didn't and who voted for fair share and who didn't.

faith said...

It is interesting that these legislators have the option of giving their money away to a charity and taking a "tax deduction" on their IRS/Maryland tax returns. It would have been nice if the State employees would have had that option!

DGalaxy said...

I agree, these representatives should not get to donate to a charity, but instead should have the option to have any furlough they opt to donate given directly back to the general fund. That is the only way their donation would directly affect the states budget. And, why should they get a tax deduction?

B4its2late said...

These cheapskates really p me off. I may write to each and everyone of them. Did you also know that none of the workers at the legislative offices are forced to do the furloughs and, the universities and courts are also excluded. In fact, the court employees will be getting the day before Christmas and the day before New Years off with pay.

How's that for a freaking slap in the face?

Boutwellslayer said...

Have you seen the size of E.J.Pipkin? The man is rotund, obese, FAT! He needs the money for lunch. I love a good ad hominem argument.