Friday, January 8, 2010

35 hour work week

A listener called into Ron Smith's show last night and point blank stated that state workers are going to be placed on a 35 hour work week.  I'm inclined to believe this.  However, when I did the math, that is a $6400 decrease in pay for me.  It puts me back to 2006. 

WE NEED TO BE PROACTIVE.  We need to be willing to go to Annapolis and request to speak at any hearings that are going to affect us.  He can't just change this without getting it approved.  It is in COMAR right now AND, IT IS IN ALL OF THE UNION MOU'S.  It will go AGAINST the signed contracts.

We need to reach out to the few friends we have in Annapolis. 

I'm asking each of you state workers that may view this blog to do the math and then write to your legislators.  Do it now.  I will do a draft letter today for you to use if you want and post it here over the weekend.  If we wait, we may be too late.  We do have the right to tell them what we are feeling and how changes like this one would affect us.  We do have rights.  Let's use them.


Anonymous said...

Aren't we currently working without a MOU? MPEC expired in December 2009.

Anonymous said...

Aren't we currently working without a MOU? MPEC expired in December 2009.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that they carried the MOU over for one year which would mean we are still under the old one.