Friday, January 15, 2010

Get Your Dramamine Ready!

Layoffs loom in O'Malley budget -Governor to unveil spending plan Wednesday


B4its2late said...

There are going to be layoffs but I think at the same time they are going to combine duties ... there's some overlapping as we are all aware and I think they are looking for that and going to fix it. Unfortunately, that would present some layoffs. At least they are trying to do it in a manner that is not closing whole facilities, like last time which put 90 people out of work on the eastern shore.

My opinion is that at least the 10 furlough days will carry over to 2011. I do not at this point think we're going to a 35 hour work week.

I'm happy to see that the tuition freeze will be lifted and am hoping that they do something about the teacher's pension and also continue to look at the money given to the localities.

I don't know how you feel but the fact that Baltimore County workers have not had to share the pain with us is a thorn in my side right now. They received a 2% increase and have taken no furlough days and they get money from the State. This type of thing needs to stop. It needs to be distributed fairly.

Baltimore City seems to be in dire straights and it is their firemen and policemen who are taking the brunt of it. That's scary and wrong. The most crucial employees to the citizens of Baltimore City are the one's being cut.

Craziness ... I hope the craziness stops soon.

B4its2late said...

There are going to be layoffs but I think at the same time they are going to combine duties ... there's some overlapping as we are all aware and I think they are looking for that and going to fix it. Unfortunately, that would present some layoffs. At least they are trying to do it in a manner that is not closing whole facilities, like last time which put 90 people out of work on the eastern shore.

My opinion is that at least the 10 furlough days will carry over to 2011. I do not at this point think we're going to a 35 hour work week.

I'm happy to see that the tuition freeze will be lifted and am hoping that they do something about the teacher's pension and also continue to look at the money given to the localities.

I don't know how you feel but the fact that Baltimore County workers have not had to share the pain with us is a thorn in my side right now. They received a 2% increase and have taken no furlough days and they get money from the State. This type of thing needs to stop. It needs to be distributed fairly.

Baltimore City seems to be in dire straights and it is their firemen and policemen who are taking the brunt of it. That's scary and wrong. The most crucial employees to the citizens of Baltimore City are the one's being cut.

Craziness ... I hope the craziness stops soon.

faith said...

I think Baltimore County is facing some dire budget problems come July 2010 and if the sacred cow teachers are spared again, it just goes to show you where the greatest votes reside. Smith cannot run again but Kamenetz (who has the Pikesville area)is going to do everything he can to avoid hitting the teachers for give backs. And then Maryland gets accolades for the best educated kids in the nation, what hogwash! Maybe they should go into the city and see how many kids are graduating from high school and still cannot read past the 3rd grade if that.