Thursday, January 21, 2010

SB 225 - Libraries - Collective Bargaining

This one should end up in the garbage!


Andrew Kujan said...

So wait, the blog "Public Employees United" is against a bill that would allow public employees to unite.

I guess if the Library workers really want to change their working conditions they should start a blog and post anonymously.

Anonymous said...

That is what started this. We want to get rid of the no good unions we have. They do nothing for us as far as representing us. We get what is laid out in a little thing called "COMAR". And that is only if there is money in the "budget". We have had two years of furloughs and are facing our third year. What has the union been able to do to help us??? NOTHING. Thier to busy protecting the "county level workers" they represent.

Anonymous said...

Update on my life
Hello folks. It has been a long time since my last post, and it will most likely be a long time until my next one. As you can see by the new subheading, I have returned to my hometown of Westminster, where my girlfriend and I can afford to rent a very nice townhome.

I am currently working at AFSCME Maryland, training to be a union organizer. Its exciting to start this new journey. Before today, I had spent the last 6 months working for Progressive Maryland, a wonderful community organization some of you may be familiar with. If you are looking for a way to get your foot in the door when it comes to political/community organizing, Progressive Maryland is a fabulous place to start. The people who make up PM are amazing, and I will miss spending my days with them in the trenches. Thanks to everyone there for all the great work you continue to do.

Union shill.

B4its2late said...

Andy, collective bargaining is a sore subject with this group. Better get some thick skin if you're going to stick around. Let's keep it civil and believable.

B4its2late said...

That being said, do the people covered by this even know about it? Not being smart, just curious.