Monday, April 26, 2010
George Owings for Governor
George Owings Campaign Kickoff FundraiserOwings launches run for Government House near hometown04.21.2010 – (Chesapeake Beach, MD)
Owings hails from the center, center-right wing of the Democratic Party, and has a strong voting record as a rural Democrat with pragmatic values and strong personal relationships in both major political parties.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Voice Your Opinion on Healthcare Now Before Its Too Late
Toll free phone number to Capitol hill - 877 762 8762 call and voice your objection to having this particular form of health care reform rammed down our throats.
Pelosi: 'Once we kick through this door,' more reform will follow
But since the current bill is unpopular, and Pelosi at the moment does not have enough Democratic, much less Republican, votes to pass it, the door she will be kicking through is the back door. Pelosi told the bloggers she favors using the "self-executing rule" strategy in which the House would pass the Senate health care bill without going on the record as specifically voting for it. "I like it," Pelosi said of the scheme, "because people don't have to vote on the Senate bill." The strategy of passing the Senate bill while avoiding a direct vote, writes Klein, "is all about plausible deniability for House members who don't want to vote for the Senate bill."
In a particularly Alice-in-Wonderland moment, Pelosi argued that the debate over health care reform can begin after the bill is passed. "Pelosi said passing the bill would allow Dems to undertake a 'debate' with Republicans over 'what is the balanced role that government should have,'" writes another pro-reform blogger at the Post, Greg Sargent. According to Sargent, Pelosi explained, "We have to take it to the American people, to say, this is the choice that you have. This is the vision that they have for your health and well being, and this is the vision that we have." Again, in Pelosi's scenario, that debate would occur after the bill is passed.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Attention State Workers - WRITE TO YOUR LEGISLATOR
State Workers ... please email your legislators immediately regarding the repeal of the Fair Share Bill, HB 1346. It is important that we, as the state work force, let it be known, that WE DO NOT WANT TO BELONG AND/OR PAY FAIR SHARE FEES TO ANY UNION.
You can find your legislator's contact information at:
Here is a draft letter you can feel free to use if you would like:
RE: HB 1346 – State Employees – Collective Bargaining “The Fair Share Act” Repeal
Dear Delegate/Senator _____________:
I am writing as both your constituent and as a State of Maryland employee regarding the above-captioned Bill.
I strongly feel that membership in a union and participation in union activities should be on a voluntary basis ONLY. The State should not mandate to its employees that paying fair share fees to a union is mandatory in order to keep your job.
State workers should not be penalized, especially during a recession, by being FORCED to pay agency fees to a union that can do absolutely nothing for them in times of financial hardship. The past year, since Fair Share was written into law, has proven that unions are essentially useless to government employees. State workers have had reduced pay checks for well over one year and will again, have reduced pay checks in FY 2011. To place another financial burden on us at this time is degrading considering the reason why this Fair Share Bill was passed to begin with.
Please vote in favor of this Bill.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
SEIU political contributions to Maryland legislators 2010 election cycle
Maryland Democratic State Central Committee:
2009: $8,875, $500, $5,000
Other contributions by SEIU ... only those over $1,000 are listed. Also, not sure if all 2010 have been reported yet it is still early in the year. Most of the people on this list (which is not finished yet) are sponsoring some type of collective bargaining bill in one way or another.
$3,000 01/12/10
$1,000 01/08/10
$ 500 09/01/09
$1,000 01/14/09
$1,000 01/14/09
$ 500 01/12/09
Busch $2,000 07/02/09
$1500 01/14/09
Anderson $1,000 01/26/10
$1,000 12/16/09
$ 250 12/08/09
$4,000 01/13/10
$1,000 01/11/10
Derek Davis
$ 125 01/10/10
$1,000 01/10/10
$ 250 01/07/10
$1,000 01/07/10
$1,000 01/13/10
$ 100 12/29/09
$1,000 09/17/09
$4,000 06/23/09
$1,000 04/18/09
$1,000 03/19/09
$3,000 12/30/09
$1,000 09/30/09
$1,000 01/12/09
Miller $1,000 10/14/09
Frick $1,000 12/16/09
Gargiola $1,000 12/16/09
Gilchrist $1,000 12/30/09
Griffith $1,000 01/10/09
Hixson $1,000 01/11/10
$3,000 01/12/10
$ 500 05/21/09
McIntire $1,000 01/12/10
$ 250 01/12/10
King, N
$2,000 01/07/10
$ 250 05/13/09
$3,000 12/30/09
$1,000 09/30/09
$1,000 01/12/09
$1,000 12/30/09
$1,000 01/13/09
Pugh, C $1,000 12/30/09
Rosapepe $2,500 10/08/09
Vallaro $1,000 11/24/09
THESE ARE THE WORST SO FAR and they include all contributions made in the 2010 election cycle which is 2006-2010.
Adrienne Jones
Bills Sponsored: HB1016/SB801 - FEES - PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES
HB1412/SB972 - ST. POLICE
SEIU contributions:
01/0410 $1,000
01/04/10 $ 250
01/13/10 $5,000
11/24/09 $1,000
01/09/08 $1,000
01/09/08 $1,500
06/25/08 $ 125
07/02/08 $ 124
Bills Sponsored: HB1016/SB801 - FEES - PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES
HB1412/SB972 - ST. POLICE
SEIU contributions:
01/09/08 $1000
01/09/08 $1500
01/10/06 $1000
11/03/06 $ 500
(Same Bills Sponsored)
SEIU contributions:
01/17/10 $2000
11/09/09 $100
10/17/08 $100
10/17/08 $500
10/01/07 $250
01/09/06 $750
06/16/06 $500
08/15/06 $1500
10/16/06 $6000
10/30/06 $1500
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Detroit Mayor Bing Lashes Out at AFSCME
Bing says AFSCME will not get special treatment.
"AFSCME would like to have something different than the other 30 contracts that have been ratified, and I'm not going to do that," Bing said.
The mayor says the longer he waits for concessions, the more workers will be laid off.
GOP's budget suggestions
The following reductions are recommended in the House plan:
• Medicaid audits for a savings of $195 million
• Reducing Geographic Cost of Education Index funding for schools by $126 million
• Eliminating 500 positions for a savings of $29.9 million
• Converting retirees to Medicare Part D with supplement for a savings of $30 million
• Reducing executive salaries to $1 below the governor’s salary of $150,000.
The terms of all 188 members of the Assembly expire this year, and election-year anxiety is suppressing debate on the most contentious issues.
Both plans presented yesterday include items such as cutting 500 executive branch employees, eliminating an education subsidy to high-cost jurisdictions that is worth millions to Anne Arundel County, and stopping built-in inflationary increases that drive mandates such as education aid. The $20 million set aside in a special fund for the Chesapeake Bay - likely a Democratic target as well - also would be cut.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Md. lawmakers target teacher pensions, Univ. of Maryland
"Local aid is breaking the back of the state's finances," Brinkley said at a joint hearing before House and Senate budget committees on Tuesday.
Brinkley said much of the state's budget is being determined "on autopilot" because of a number of archaic mandates, or forumulaic funding requirements, that need to be reassessed. Education, pension and Medicaid mandates were at the top of his list of formulas needing revision.
House Republicans suggested cutting roughly $825 million from O'Malley's 2011 budget plan by changing education funding formulas, laying off 500 state workers and eliminating the Chesapeake Bay 2010 fund, among other proposals.
The House plan would cut the University System of Maryland budget by axing 1,000 positions, cutting in half employees' travel budgets, and taking away free tuition for employees -- instead giving them a 50 percent discount-- for a total of $52 million in savings.
Monday, February 22, 2010
PLEASE pass this along to every state worker you know
Ask them to take 5 minutes to write to their legislator regarding HB 1346 State Employees - Collective Bargaining - "The Fair Share Act" - Repeal
In the event that this Bill gets a hearing, we are looking for state workers that would like to go down to Annapolis and attend the hearing. Taking a few leave hours to go to the hearing could end up saving you hundreds of dollars a year in fees to a union.
If you're interested, please email me at
The reason this bill even made it through last year is because thousands of workers were unaware of its existence. We need to speak up about this or else we're going to be screwed.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
State workers, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to speak out, finally, and let your legislators know just how you, as a state worker, feel about being forced to pay a union whether you are a member or not ... i.e., so-called fair share.
Last year the fair share bill was back-doored and approved and an executive order was signed before state workers were even aware what happened.
A couple of decent legislators are sponsoring this Bill and it is up to us to write to our legislators and show up at any hearing with regard to this. This will most likely be the only opportunity we will have to have this repealed prior to the unions renegotiating an MOU this year that will include fair share fees to non members. The unions stand to make millions out of your paychecks should that occur.
This does not have to be just a state worker endeavor ... we could use all of the help we can get to have these unions banned from taking over state government fully and completely.
When I get the hearing date I will post it here. We need to take back our lives. No one is going to do it for us.
We're Back Up and Running
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Several New Bills Re: Collective Bargaining
Libraries: HB 881 and SB 225
Public School employees: HB 1016 and SB 801
St. Mary's Co ed employees who do not hold teaching certificates: HB981 and SB483
New HB948 for Baltimore County education employees includes limiting union representation to a max of 2 bargaining units
And finally SB 741 exempts Charter Schools from collective bargaining by requiring union representation.
It appears that many collective bargaining bills are being proposed at this late date so I recommend any government employee currently not required to pay union fees pay close attention because organized labor is looking to pad their coffers with the diminished number of private company representation.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Media Monitoring
Scroll down it's about the 10th article
There will be a:
Letter to the Editor team
Electronic media and blog response team
Online publication comment and posting team
T.V. talk show monitoring and response team.
Rapid response volunteers will constantly monitor their assigned form of media. Upon the discovery of an article, blog, online publication comment(s) or radio segment that the (team member) believes requires a response, they will immediately send an email to their County leader who will in turn relay the information to the communications staff.
So what apppears to be spontaneous grass-roots action to casual news consumers will in fact be directed from party headquarters in Annapolis.
St. Mary's County Board of Education Employees
My take: Here comes service fees or forced unionization for anyone who isn't a teacher ... substitutes, counselors, etc.
St. Mary's County teachers are represented by the Maryland State Teacher's Association (MSTA).
MSTA is a subsidy of the NEA (National Education Association).
The NEA is partners with AFT (American Federation of Teachers).
Monday, February 1, 2010
Of Interest to Retirees and Employees of Upper Shore Community Mental Health Center
State Retirement and Pension System - Retirees and Beneficiaries of Retirees - Annual Retirement Adjustments
Providing the annual retirement allowance on 7/1/10 for retirees and beneficiaries .... be 0.
(i.e. no raises)
HB338 Upper Shore Community Mental Health Center - Early Retirement
Providing specified employees of USMHC with the opportunity to redeive an early retirmeent allowance ...
"Courage is being scared to death -- and saddling up anyway!" (John Wayne)
Miller is Talking of Retiring Again...
Miller hints at retirement after next term- Senate president from Chesapeake Beach has been in office since 1971
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Off Topic: Scab Football? NFL heads toward labor showdown with players union
NEW YORK (AP) — Rich, powerful and more popular than ever, the NFL gets closer to a doomsday scenario every day.
Without a deal in the next five weeks to preserve the labor peace that has lasted since a bad month in 1987 — anybody remember scab football? — next season will have no salary cap. That means richer teams such as the Redskins and Patriots will be able to far outspend clubs such as Jacksonville and Buffalo for free agents, while the Jaguars and Bills might try to pinch pennies to stay in business.
But time rapidly is running out, and it's a brave new world the NFL appears to be entering. Condon warns that what comes beyond 2010 is even more critical for the sport than what occurs this year.
“An uncapped season is not as important as what happens after that,” he says. “A lockout or decertification by the union? Nobody really knows.”
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Budget briefing: Miscounted kids, more slots dough, huge temporary fixes and lingering deficits
The number of Baltimore City public school kids may be undercounted, and Maryland may get more slots money this year than expected, legislators learned as they began dissecting the proposed state budget Monday.
But more than by any other surprise, lawmakers said they were taken aback by the degree to which the $32 billion budget is balanced on one-time fixes.
Warren Deschenaux, the General Assembly’s chief fiscal analyst, and other budget analysts started pulling apart Gov. Martin O’Malley’s fiscal 2011 spending plan for lawmakers who have two months to cut it.
Deschenaux emphasized that O’Malley’s balanced budget depended on one-time fixes and an infusion of federal dollars that would still leave the budget $2 billion out of balance in future years.
Del. Steve Schuh, R-Anne Arundel, an Appropriations Committee member, said, “I was surprised at how much of the corrective actions are one-time accounting maneuvers, fiscal raids and other budget tricks.”
“I thought we were at the end of this,” Schuh said. “What we’re seeing is a clear road map to a major tax increase next year.”
HB 260 - State Personnel - Classification of Positions in the State Personnel Management System
Requiring the Secretary of Budget and Management to classify skilled service positions, professional service positions, management service positions, and executive service positions in the State Personnel Management System; authorizing the Secretary to delegate the Secretary's authority to classify specified personnel positions to the head of a principal unit; requiring the head of a principal unit to classify specified personnel positions under specified circumstances; etc.
A copy of the Bill is not attached ... I'd like to see a copy of it if anyone can produce it.
Budget Analyst Warns (Maryland) Against Counting on Stimulus Funds
Maryland lawmakers should consider a Plan B in case the roughly $389 million in federal stimulus funds Gov. Martin O'Malley is counting on to balance the state's budget doesn't materialize, the General Assembly's top budget analyst said Monday.
What the hell is Plan B and how does it affect State workers?
Field Marshall Andy Stern: "Dammit, I Said March Off That Cliff"
This is such a good article. Please take the time to read it. We do not need Andy Stern and the SEIU in Maryland.
Massachusetts voters stood at the borders of their state – and the polling places – with virtual pitch forks telling politicians, to paraphrase Johnny Paycheck, “take this agenda and shove it.”
. . .
News to Andy: the Democrats may follow your lead and plow ahead with an agenda that Americans clearly don’t want, but instead of a Second Tea Party limited to Massachusetts, radicals will experience a full-blown national Tea Party come November.
So the paradox facing the left is this: do they allow Field Marshal Andy Stern to order them off the cliff, or do they tell Andy that his investment in spending tens of millions electing Democrats to implement a Marxist agenda was little more than buying fool’s gold. Either way, radical liberals face one ugly year ahead.
What Does Massachusetts Mean for Maryland?
Monday, January 25, 2010
SEIU and Maryland Donations
"For another union to come onto your turf and take advantage of what you've built, that is piracy on the seas of organized labor," declared Gerry McEntee, president of AFSCME. "What SEIU is doing is bullshit," McEntee shouted, before leading delegates in a chant of "Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!" In his convention speech, Vince Giblin, president of the Operating Engineers, repeatedly referred to SEIU president Stern as the "Darth Vader of the labor movement." Stern's AFL-CIO critics were joined by Terry O'Sullivan, president of the Laborers, a fellow CTW founder. He told the delegates: "What happens in this fight we have with SEIU will determine what kind of labor movement we have...We didn't join Change to Win to raid and hijack another union's members."[ii]
SEIU dues raid v. AFSCME in Arizona
No raiding deal SEIU-AFSCME (California)
Some inside dope about SEIU in-fighting
There are many more links I could give you but you get the gist of where my head is on this. When I was researching the campaign finance database I could not believe my eyes. Thousands of dollars are being contributed to MD politicians by the SEIU. It has left me wondering why. It literally jumped off the screen at me. That one question, why, is disturbing.
I hope that Maryland State workers are not headed towards a in-fighting battle between the SEIU and our approved unions. Let's face reality, the unions currently approved are God-like compared to the SEIU. The SEIU had a joint bank account with ACORN at one time ... that says it all. It wasn't until ACORN was shown to the nation for what it really is that they claim to have disassociated with them. I say "claim" ... because I do not believe it.
Andy Stern has visited the White House more times than any other person. That's scary. Andy Stern is a radical and it is his way or the highway. The unions seem to be involved in everything that is occurring federally ... they played a major role in the health care reform debacle. The reason SEIU has so much power is MONEY. It is a simple philosophy ... keep the money pouring in and legislators will work with you on what you want to have approved. This was evidenced by Obama's closed door meeting with the unions to come up with a "deal" on health care reform ... the "deal" was that unions would be exempt from the cadillac health plan surcharge for 6 years. Little did they know that Scott Brown would take Ted Kennedy's seat and blow them all out of the water. The night that Scott Brown won that election was the night my entire outlook on life changed. It showed me that people do make a difference and the little people can work together to change things they do not approve of despite all of the money and closed door deals that are made in DC.
That being said, I have to say I am concerned. We need to be on the ball when it comes to SEIU. The last thing Maryland workers needs is this cut throat union coming in here and trying to take over like they are doing elsewhere. I do not know if that is the intention but I do know they are buying something by way of political contributions ... I just do not know for sure what it is they are after. If it is us ... I will fight that tooth and nail and if push comes to shove, I'll help the other side in doing that.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
University of MD Professor in Trouble for Being Paid Union Shill
A University of Maryland professor has pulled his institution into a heated labor debate in California, prompting a rebuke from administrators and inviting questions about his own conflicts of interest.
As a paid consultant for Service Employees International, the nation's fastest growing labor union, Fred Feinstein recently wrote a legal opinion suggesting that California health care workers could receive “less favorable” benefits if they left SEIU for another union. Feinstein penned his opinion on university letterhead, which was then photocopied and used by SEIU as campaign literature, urging workers to stay on as members.
What Feinstein did not mention, however, was that he’s on the SEIU payroll and received about $240,000 from the union and one of its affiliates, Change to Win, in 2007 and 2008 according to federal filings.
MAY 23, 2007
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Campaign Donations
On August 26, 2009, the BPW cut several hundred jobs and furloughed state workers again, and on October 12, 2009, AFSCME started making campaign donations to those who are in control of the budgets and furloughs. It's now January and we are once again on the chopping block down in Annapolis for the 2011 budget.
In researching the database a disturbing trend popped off the screen at me ... the SEIU is dumping thousands upon thousands of dollars into MD political campaigns for the 2010 election cycle. I mean, literally, much much more money than any other union has been contributing. There were 17 pages of contributions and I didn't even bother adding them all up to determine a total. I'll detail a few for you here.
First, this I find comical ... as late as June, 2009, they were sinking money in Sheila Dixon's coffers ... ironic that she is no longer Mayor of Baltimore.
They donated $100,000 to an organization by the name of For Maryland for Our Future. Yet, search after search gives me absolutely no information on that organization. I can find nothing. I'd like to know just who they are and why SEIU is giving so much money to them.
They are sending in thousands upon thousands of dollars to various democratic legislators. I mean, hundreds of thousands of dollars.
They have donated more than $75,000 to the Democratic State Central Committee for Maryland. I'm trying to find out what that Committee's does with the money ... is it just a middle man of more campaign contributions going out ???
I could use some help trying to determine what the unions are doing as far as supporting candidates in the upcoming election.
I have one question for any union lurkers.
How can you in good conscience support legislators who have treated state workers so badly and claim to represent those workers at the same time? I would love an answer to that question.
This is What Massachusetts Did!
SB157 - Special Election to Fill Vacancy in the Office of United States Senator
Altering the process for filling a vacancy in the office of US Senator; repealing the authority of the Governor to make an appointment to fill a vacancy; . . . calling for a special election.
HB 31 Making an Appropriation Subject to Petition Referendum
Friday, January 22, 2010
Political Contributions
I donated 25 bucks to George Owings yesterday. It is all I could afford and I wanted to show my support. I am going to send 10 bucks to the "better" Miller also. I'm not in his district, but, I feel that by sending a few bucks his way it would be a little help in his battle to win Mike Miller's seat. (He doesn't have unions or other organizations giving him thousands of dollars like Mike Miller does and neither does George Owings.)
Every little bit helps us in our battle to try to get reasonable representatives who have integrity and are honest in Annapolis to support state workers and fix the mess this State is in for taxpayers.
So, if you have a buck or 4 quarters lying on the counter ... send it someone's way that could use it to help us in our battle.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Very Interesting - HB 163 Taxpayer's Bill of Rights
Requiring voter approval for new State or local taxes, tax rate increases and repeal of tax exemptions; imposes spending limits on the State ... much much more ... worth the read.
Chris Shank's name is on this along with many others. For those who do not know it, Chris Shank is a good friend to state workers.
EMERGENCY BILL - HB 156 - DHMH Upper Shore Center
This Bill will ensure that that facility and others that are listed in the legislation would remain open.
Good luck to the 90 employees who face losing their jobs if this facility closes.
Senate Joint Resolution 2 - Governor & Lt. Governor's Salaries
1st year 150,000
2nd year 150,000
3rd year 155,000
4th year 160,000
Lt. Governor:
1st year 125,000
2nd year 125,000
3rd year 129,167
4th year 133,333
SB 19 - Constitutional Officers Salaries - you won't like this
This Bill applies to the Treasurer, Attorney General, Secretary of State and Comptroller (Franchot ... he is the only one who votes NO on procurements ... he is a good man ... that being said NO ONE should get raises right now.)
Current Salaries: 112,500
2011 increase to 125,000
2012 same as 2011
2013 increase to 129,167
2014 increase to 133,333
HB 151 Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2010
Page 38
SECTION 31. . . . State employees employed by any entity, including the University of MD System, Morgan State University and St. Mary's College of MD, may not receive bonuses, merit increases, or cost of living raises in FY 2011. THIS PROVISION DOES NOT AFFECT SALARIES FOR CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS OR MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OR INCREASES NECESSARY FOR THE RETENTION OF FACULTY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND SYSTEM, MORGAN STATE OR ST. MARY'S.
It appears they are leaving the door open so that they can given raises to themselves, the Governor and the Lt Governor. In case you are unaware, there are 5,000 employees that make more than 100,000. 3,900 of them work for the University Systems. It also appears, the University System is exempt from the no pay raise rule.
SECTION 32. In FY 2011, the State is not required to make the employer contributions to the applicable State supplemental plan for participating employees in the Optional Defined Contribution System.
No biggie ... we already knew this ... no match to the 401K.
Page 39
Section 4(A)(1) For FY 2011 or during any fiscal year in which appropriations are reduced ... because of a projected deficit, by Executive Order, the Governor may institute a furlough or temporary salary reduction plan for Executive Branch employees of the State of Maryland.
. . . shall specify how the furlough or temporary reduction plan applies to various employees of the State of MD . . .
Section 34. . . . calculation of the rate of overtime payments for current State employees subject to a temporary salary reduction ordered by the Governor in the FY 2010 or 2011, shall be based on the salary schedule in effect on July 1, 2009. This ... retroactively to September 23, 2009.
My take on the above is that if you work overtime your overtime pay rate is what your pay was on 9/23rd and not what the current reduced pay scale says. I wonder if that also applies to those that do not get OT pay but instead get comp time?
Chapter 487 of the Acts of 2009
Page 40
Section 19. . . . an employee entitled to compensation for unused leave upon termination of State employment during a mandatory temporary salary reduction plan shall receive such compenation at the employee's rate of compensation in effect immediately prior to the temporary salary reduction. This section applies retroactively and shall be applied to and interpreted to affect the calculation of unused annual leave payouts for employees leaving state employment on or after February 11, 2009.
Ok, here's the deal on this blog
There are several people that I've given full rights to because I do not post on the internet during the daytime when I'm working and our schedules are different. They, as well as I, have the authority to ban, to post, to delete posts ... whatever my permissions are, I have also given to them. I cannot do this alone and need their help and yours in keeping this a place where we can vent, relay information and try to resolve issues with ideas.
I really do not want to start all over, from scratch, again. It has taken alot of my time to provide this for you, my co-workers. If I find that it gets out of hand, I'm going to be forced to change the settings so that anyone who wants to post or view this blog will need to join. I would rather not do that but it would be nice if people actually had the guts to join so we know how many of us there actually are but I'm not going to force you to.
All of that being said, I have a hell of alot of information to give to you tonight. It's going to take me a while to do it.
I'm going to post information on bills at the GA that affect you tonight. I'm also going to, if I have time, change the way this looks and, I'm going to provide you with all links to every person that is running for governor so that you can do your own research on them and make your own decision. George is who I am supporting mostly because he has friends on both sides of the aisle and I feel that would benefit Maryland ... not as much in fighting.
Thanks for your understanding, patience and cooperation.
Health care uncertainty puts Md. stimulus in limbo
Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, built into the budget an assumed $389 million in additional federal stimulus money through Medicaid that is in the U.S. House of Representatives health care reform legislation.
But now President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats may try to scale back the president's health care overhaul. The reason is Democrats lost the party's 60th Senate seat needed to cut off debate to push through legislation after Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley on Tuesday in the seat once held by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy.
HB 187 - Establishing the Juvenile Services Administration in the Department of Human Resources
It's beginning. The consolidation of units/departments we heard about last week
SB 225 - Libraries - Collective Bargaining
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Brown Wins MA - What's that mean for MD?
I'm thinking this is a trend on how the 2010 elections will be going to go. People are sick and tired of incumbents and they are sick and tired of big business getting money while they are standing in u/e lines and suffering financially.
Well folks, tonight, the people of MA spoke for all of us. Both Democratic and Republican voters in MA came out and sent a message ... we are not going to take it anymore.
Here's hoping this trend continues.
Keep the faith! Don't forget about the 2/4th rally in Annapolis, spread the word. 10:30 - 12:30 at the Lawyer's Mall. I figure what better way to use a furlough day. That's my plan. Let me know if you're going ...
Budget to be unveiled at 2:30 today
Good luck all.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Significant Job Cuts Reported - But Number Elusive
The number of jobs to be eliminated is still being finalized, according to administration aides, who remained tight-lipped about a published report that the cuts would be "significant."
"They are not wholesale layoffs, but there are some position abolishments," he said. "Some agencies are impacted more than others."
Job Abolishments are layoffs. They are not kidding anyone but theirselves. It's fancy a word. Just like rowhouse is now a townhouse. I bet no one on the Governor's staff that is in a filled position is on the list.
DHMH will be hit hard, it always is. DNR ... they have been kicked twice now. MHIP ... look out.
The next two days will be hard for government workers but if Brown wins in Massachusetts then there will be a ray of hope for how the 2010 elections are going to roll.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
DG - please change font color
THANKS and have a good 3 day weekend.
Union trying to look like they are doing something for state workers.
Union Leader To Meet With O'MalleySaturday, January 16, 2010
The director of Maryland's largest union for state employees says Gov. Martin O'Malley's administration is meeting with unions early next week to discuss the state's difficult budget situation. Patrick Moran, executive director of the Maryland chapter of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, said Friday he's urging the administration to avoid state employee layoffs. Moran says the state needs its employees now more than ever to provide services to struggling state residents. O'Malley is scheduled to release the fiscal year 2011 budget on Wednesday. The administration hasn't provided any details yet on any layoffs or a furloughs to address a $2 billion deficit. |
Friday, January 15, 2010
Get Your Dramamine Ready!
Are you as disgusted as I am?
MOM signed the Executive Order last session that places every State worker, with the exception of special appointments, at the hands of the union assigned to their unit. What this means, if you have not already heard, is that eventually, when the unions renegotiate their contracts with the State, they can sneak in service fees to non-members. This would be approximately $20-$35 bucks a month for every state worker that the Executive Order covers. For AFSCME alone, that is an influx of about $8.5-$9 million dollars a year from employees who want nothing to do with a union.
This new deal the unions made with Obama is actually to State employees' benefits but I am so against it that I could spit nails right now. It is wrong and it is going to lead to our health coverage eventually being a lesser version of what we have now for a higher cost. They will not have to the pay the 40% surcharge but when they renegotiate the contracts they are going to need to do something to offset that 40%. I see it as a way to get us more into the federal plan, although I could be wrong.
I do not see it as a good thing. I don't trust them and I am very concerned about this. It has never been so important for us, as both citizens and government workers, to pay close attention to what is going on both federally and state-wise that will affect our futures.
Alot of workers have given up hope and feel that there is nothing they can do about the things that have been going on that affects our paychecks and our families. They are afraid to speak out about it and afraid to go against the grain. The last time I checked, Obama hasn't yet thrown the U S Constitution away and since that has not yet occurred, we do have the right to freedom of speech and we cannot be fired or laid off for supporting a specific political candidate or voicing our opinions.
If State workers do not begin to get that hope back and at least say what they are thinking, we are doomed. We need to go to work and do our jobs, the best that we can and not let all of this turn us into the dead wood that many of us see around some state offices. At the same time, we need to show that we do have dignity and that we are human beings and should be respected for the jobs that we do for the people of this State.
There will be a State worker rally in Annapolis on February 4th from 10:30-12:30. I have taken a 1/2 of furlough and 1/2 of personal day to attend. I'm not going to disrespect our legislators but I am going to let them know I'm human and expect to be treated as such. What better way to spend furlough time than to get a point across to the group of individuals that will be planning our futures.
I hope that you will plan on attending too.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
While we take furloughs MAIF gets bonuses
State auto insurer defends spending, bonuses
By Len Lazarick
Officials with the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund defended their spending and staff bonuses to legislators on the joint audit committee Monday.
In a December report, state auditors were highly critical of $1.4 million in bonuses paid out to management and staff at the quasi-public agency for motorists who can’t get coverage anywhere else in 2008. That year, the insurer lost $20 million.
The audit also criticized MAIF spending $250,000 on consultants, marketing and lobbying, as well as on a $15,000 “appreciation” dinner for agents who refer clients.
TIME: 10:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
* Transportation available.
O'Malley budget could make over government
"The budget will have reorganization and restructurings," said Shaun Adamec, an O'Malley (D) spokesman.
You know the budget must be in dire straits if the O'Malley administration is looking for Ehrlich-era ideas
Sen. David R. Brinkley, who serves on the Budget and Taxation Committee, said Monday that he had asked the legislature's analysts for a list of overlap among state departments in an effort to consolidate and possibly eliminate some department secretaries.
"I'm pursuing that on my own. If the governor has some inclination in that regard, I'm optimistic we can work together," said Brinkley (R-Dist. 4) of New Market.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Maryland Lawmakers Brace For Budget Fights
So what’s left to cut?
“The services that citizens expect and depend on,” Bergsman says.
Astle agrees. Lawmakers have cut as much fat as they could in the last few General Assembly sessions.
“It’s not going to be a fun time to be a legislator, I can tell you that,” Astle says.
Health care bill bitter pill for Maryland's budget
It is really scary," said Delegate Donald Elliott, a Republican. "The Medicaid costs transferred to the state could be $191 million. Where will we get the money?"
Some states have looked at opting-out of the federal health care plan. "It comes down to politics," Elliott said. "Can you imagine a Democratic governor doing that? We will have to see what happens with the health care bill. Will it be another 'closed-door' bill pushed through and signed by the president?"
Sunday, January 10, 2010
George Owings for Governor
After much thought and research, I've decided that I am going to support Mr. Owings in his quest as Governor. He was a Maryland legislator for many years and was appointed by Governor Ehrlich to lead the Verterans Affairs Administration as Secretary during Ehrlich's term as Governor. He is pro-life and pro-family. In my opinion, he is a good man and he is liked by both parties which I feel is a plus for anyone who may serve as Governor. Perhaps Maryland needs the kind of change that someone who has friends in both parties can bring to the platform.
You can find some information about Mr. Owings at the following websites:
Friday, January 8, 2010
Spread the Word
35 hour work week
WE NEED TO BE PROACTIVE. We need to be willing to go to Annapolis and request to speak at any hearings that are going to affect us. He can't just change this without getting it approved. It is in COMAR right now AND, IT IS IN ALL OF THE UNION MOU'S. It will go AGAINST the signed contracts.
We need to reach out to the few friends we have in Annapolis.
I'm asking each of you state workers that may view this blog to do the math and then write to your legislators. Do it now. I will do a draft letter today for you to use if you want and post it here over the weekend. If we wait, we may be too late. We do have the right to tell them what we are feeling and how changes like this one would affect us. We do have rights. Let's use them.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Distressing News/Rumor - Please Read
Some suggestions on how to deal with this should this rumor be true????
Monday, January 4, 2010
Another Budget Article
Officials: Some leaders may be wary of decisions that could impact campaigns